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Chocolate mousse with spicy fruits and meringues crumbs


For the chocolate mousse:

2 egg yolks

3 tablespoons icing sugar

a pinch of salt

1 tablespoon dark rum

2 tablespoons espresso coffee

3 dl whipped cream

For the fruit salad:

3-4 oranges

1 pineapple

1 dl water

1 dl caster sugar

1 cinnamon stick

1 star anise

1 sliced ​​vanilla bean

To the corals:

40 ml water (0.4 dl)

15 ml neutral oil, not olive oil (1 tsp)

5 g wheat flour (2 tsp)

1 pinch of salt

a few drops of household paint of your choice

Prepare the fruit salad:

Clean the oranges skinless, cut the pineapple into pieces.

Boil the seasoning until sugar melts. Pour the sauce over the fruit and let marinate for at least 1 hour

Prepare the meringues according to the basic recipe (can be done in advance).

Prepare the chocolate mousse:

Melt the chocolate in a saucepan, allow to cool and stir in one egg yolk at a time. Add coffee, sifted sugar, rum, and salt, stir and let rest.

turn down the whipped cream and stir gently. Let rest cool.

Prepare the green corals:

Stir all ingredients the same

Heat a frying pan and click in the liquid with a tablespoon

Let simmer until it stops bubbling

Lift up with a spatula and let it drain, wipe up on kitchen paper.

Put together the dessert

Spoon up the mousse and the fruit salad. Crumble over the meringues and decorate with raspberries (additional) and the corals.


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