1 kg of rhubarb
1.5 l of water
4.5 dl caster sugar
1 pinch sodium benzoate (optional preservative)
1 lemon, juice
Cut the rhubarb (with peel) into small pieces and cook with water for about 15 minutes, do not stir.
Strain the rhubarb and mix the liquid with the sugar and the juice from the lemon.
Bring to the boil again together with powdered sugar and lemon juice, let cool.
Skim the juice with a ladle if necessary.
Take some juice in a glass and stir out the sodium benzoate and then mix it into the rest of the rhubarb juice. Optional if you want a durable juice.
Pour the rhubarb juice hot into clean and dry bottles. Close them. A tip is to preheat the bottles with hot water - otherwise they may crack. Seal and store the juice dark and cool. Opened bottle is stored in the refrigerator.
Dilute the rhubarb juice with water when serving to the desired strength, as a suggestion - one part juice and four parts water.