Plums in Madeira is a classic old style dessert that reminds me of childhood and is quite easy to prepare. My recipe below, you will need:
• 1 kg plums
• 6 dl sugar
• 2 dl water
• 2 dl Madeira wine
• 1 vanilla bean
• 1 pinch of ascorbic acid for preserving if desired
The plum does not need to be peeled, but if you want to do that immerse them in boiling water for about half a minute until the shells begin to loosen. Take up and put in cold water and pull off the shell. Divide the plums and remove the stones. Put them in clean glass jars.
Bring sugar and water to boil and stir until the sugar dissolves Divide the vanilla bean and scrape out the seeds and add to the syrup. Also add the bar.
Heat and bring to the boil while stirring. Add Madeira.
Dissolve the ascorbic acid in a couple of spoonful of the syrup and then add it.
Pour the syrup over the plums in the jar. Press down the plums and make sure the layers cover. You can put a slice of lemon on top. Put lids on and store cold. Now we just have to wait a month or so before we can taste the lovely treat.
Serve with whipped cream, a scoop of vanilla ice cream or with mascarpone.